Sunday, March 8, 2009

kevin kemp orlando

This is the first of multiple posts I will be making here over the next twelve months. I am conducting my own personal fight against a few notoriously scandalous websites out there that are designed to extort from innocent people by placing false information and then charging the victims to have the information removed. For example; if you google my name you get links from ripoff report and a few other websites. All of the content strategically placed by the same person over a period of time. He disguises himself as other people but recent subpoenaed user information from the web hosting companies prove that it is actually a guy named John Baxter. He has been caught up with. I am considering pressing criminal charges on him for 'cyberstalking'. Florida recently passed some laws to protect people from this kind of thing. The same person actually broke into my house and stole a few things including my laptop. The local police have investigated and they have charges pending against him. They are pushing me to press charges on him for the burglary since it carries a much stiffer penalty then the cyberstalking.

You can read more about his little scheme and why he started this smear campaign at a website I have dedicated for this information at kevin kemp orlando

Have a nice day and google up something happy.